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Fri 05 Jul 2024 - Sat 03 May 2025

9:00AM - 4:30PM

Centre for Professional Development,1 Atchison Street, ST LEONARDS NSW 2065

Non-Member: $11,180
ADA NSW Member: $8,600
ADA Member for another State: $8,600

*Payment plans are available Email admin@adacpd.com.au

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Module Based Program




Mini Residency in Endodontics is an amazing course bringing together fifteen (15) Specialists to broaden your knowledge and skills in Endodontics, for a full comprehensive program of theoretical and clinical aspects of both nonsurgical and surgical endodontics, from basic to advanced concepts.

New and current Endodontic techniques and strategies will be provided across a wide variety of topics, including diagnosis and prognosis, multidisciplinary treatment planning, assessing CBCT scans, operating a microscope, how to manage complications in endodontics, remove broken instruments, understanding crown lengthening and how to restore a compromised tooth, and pain management.

This extensive curriculum will be covered across of four (4) structured learning modules. Each module consists of two days:
Day 1 of each module consists of lectures, practical applications, patient demonstrations, take home assignments, case presentations, and/or assessments.
Day 2 of each module consists of hands-on workshops for endodontic practice. Extracted teeth and nonsurgical and surgical models will be used for practicing endodontic nonsurgical and surgical techniques, with the support of lecture materials, videos and presenting Specialists. Operating microscopes will also be available for all hands-on exercises. Limited seating available.

Early registration is recommended. The full experience of this amazing Mini Residency in Endodontics, including Day 2 workshops, is limited due to seating availability. However, an additional option is available to attend the Mini Residency in Endodontics - lectures only, see below.

Discover further information below and
explore this unique opportunity to expand
your knowledge and skills in Endodontics.

MODULE 1: Friday 05 July – Saturday 06 July 2024

Presented by: Adj Assoc Prof Mehdi Rahimi, Dr Mark Johnstone, Dr Geoff Young, Dr Garima Sharma and Prof Ove Peters

Comprehensive Lecture – Friday, 05 July 2024

Embark on the journey of Endodontics with a solid foundation. Module 1 lecture opens the Mini Residency in Endodontics with a comprehensive review of the endodontic principles and spans quickly into exploring today’s latest updates in endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.

Introducing the latest advances in endodontic treatments, Specialists will share practical strategies for pre-op assessments and endodontic radiography.

Learn the secrets for effective Endodontic access and the using rotary Niti and irrigants. This module will also provide techniques for determining the working length and sealing the roots.

Hands-on Workshop - Saturday 06 July 2024

Practice Module 1 techniques through exercises in using microscopes and creating access preparations through guided procedures. Experience multiple techniques in canal instrumentation and obturation. Workshop also includes demonstrations in locating MB2 canal and placements of posts. Limited seating available.

TOPICS Include:

• Diagnosis, pre-op assessment and multidisciplinary treatment planning

• Modern concepts in endodontic access design and location of calcified and MB2 canals

• Introduction of the use of Cone Beam CT technology in endodontics

• Current concepts in chemo-mechanical disinfection and obturation with a focus on hybrid warm vertical compaction



• Understand how to use the operating microscope

• Understand how to treatment plan the endodontic case

• Understand how to assess CBCT scans

• Understand how to manage complex endodontic cases


MODULE 2: Friday 29 – Saturday 30 November 2024

Presented by: Dr Garima Sharma, Dr Geoff Young, Adj Assoc Prof David Barnard and Prof William Ha

Comprehensive Lecture – Friday, 29 November 2024

Module 2 lecture continues the Mini Residency in Endodontics comprehensive review into endodontic radiography, introduces innovative techniques for managing an open apex, and provides strategies to manage endodontic failures.

Identify the truth behind the common myths of endodontic treatment and explore the scientific evidence relating to such myths as: apical size determines success, specific number of visits are needed, and if canals can be sterilised.

This course will also provide skills and tools to better manage a difficult patient and increase your understanding for the true meaning of informed consent.

Hands-on Workshop – Saturday, 30 November 2024

Module 2 hands-on workshop explores MTA handling & obturation of open apex case and perforation repair, with supported guidance.  Module 2 topics will be reinforced through extensive exercises for removal of GP root filling and metal posts and supported with demonstration videos.

This workshop will also provide skills and tips to remedy endodontic misadventures. Limited seating available.

TOPICS Include:

• Principles of contemporary endodontic retreatment

• Fractured instrument removal

• Management of the open apex

• Management of endodontic misadventures



• Understand the principles of endodontic retreatment

• Understand how to manage complex endodontic cases

• Understand how to manage difficult patients

• Understand risk assessment and how to manage complications in endodontics


MODULE 3: Friday 14 – Saturday 15 February 2025

Presented by: Adj Prof Chankhrit Sathorn, Adj Assoc Prof David Barnard, Dr Ehsan Mellati, Adj Assoc Prof Mehdi Rahimi, Prof Paul Abbott and Dr Firzoz Vellani

Comprehensive Lecture – Friday, 14 February 2025

The Mini Residency in Endodontics continues into a new year exploring specific endodontic treatments and strategies. Module 3 begins by exploring into the complexities of ‘a crack’. Proper diagnosis and identification techniques will be reviewed, followed by practical treatment strategies.

Module 3 introduces flap design, endodontic microsurgery, and explores the complexities into managing dental trauma. In addition, evidential arguments will be discussed for best-outcome prognosis - implant or endodontic treatment?  Further topics also include crown lengthening and the relationship between endodontics and periodontics.

Hands-on Workshop –Saturday, 15 February 2025

Module 3 hands-on workshop provides you with the experience for microsurgery. Various endodontic surgical exercises will be completed through supported guided assistance. Additional exercises include crown lengthening.

Once again, presenters will provide demonstrations and supporting videos. Limited seating available.

TOPICS Include:

• Principles of contemporary endodontic microsurgery

• Update on dental trauma management

• Principles of crown lengthening

• Complications and risk management in Endodontics



• Understand the principles of endodontic microsurgery

• Understand how to manage dental trauma

• Understand crown lengthening and how to restore a compromised tooth


MODULE 4: Friday 02 – Saturday 03 May 2025

Presented by: Adj Assoc Prof Russell Vickers, Adj Assoc Prof Mehdi Rahimi, Assoc Prof William Ha, Dr Agnes Lai, Dr Nour Tarraf, Dr Sami Haddad, Dr Garima Sharma and Dr Wing Chuan Chan

Comprehensive Lecture – Friday, 02 May 2025

Mini Residency in Endodontics concludes in Module 4 with investigating advanced endodontic conditions and treatments. From the Ortho/Endo continuum to diagnosis of non-endodontic radiolucencies, presenters will provide current strategies for advanced cases.

Advanced management strategies will also be shared to help manage an ankylosed tooth, a complex patient with TMD/Bruxer/Ortho, and pain management.

In addition, Module 4 will review the restoration of the endodontically treated teeth, from both the endodontic perspective and the prosthodontic perspective. Lastly, multidisciplinary cases will be presented for class discussion.

Hands-on Workshop – Saturday, 03 May 2025

Final Module 4 hands-on workshop provides further exercises to manage mishaps. Advanced techniques will be demonstrated for removing broken instruments, fibre posts & bypass ledge. Additional skills will also be introduced using ultrasonic tips for removal of objects.

This workshop provides opportunities to complete all exercises with support and allows an opportunity to address any outstanding issues or concerns. Limited seating available.

TOPICS Include:

• Non-odontogenic Pain and it’s identification and management

• IV sedation and pain control

• Using ultrasonic tips for removal of objects



• Understand techniques for removing objects

• Appreciate the complexity of pain control in endodontics

• Understand the difficulties in identifying non-odontogenic pain



The course will run over 4 modules, each module being two full days.

PLEASE REVIEW DATES CAREFULLY, as there will be NO replacements or transfers permitted.
CPD's cancellation policy applies to the full course fee and transfers/replacements for future sessions are not permitted.

You are registering for:

Mini Residency in Endodontics

Additional details