This hands-on course covers case selection and basic surgical skills including simple third molar extractions and contemporary atraumatic extraction techniques. This content is aimed at dentists who may not have had the opportunity to practice and become familiar with surgical extractions, and are interested in taking the next step in extending their skills.
The course will include didactic sessions, video demonstrations recorded on live patients and hands-on exercises on pigs jaws.
Topics include
- Case selection for surgical extractions
- Basic surgical skills – raising a flap, suturing and contemporary extraction techniques
Learning Objectives
- Have a greater understanding of surgical risk, diagnosis, treatment planning and gain an appreciation of case selection
- Know the basic instruments necessary to successfully perform dental office-based surgical extraction procedures
- Be well versed in sterile technique and be able to apply this set up to your dental office
- Understand the principles of surgical management of difficult extractions
- To differentiate between simple and difficult cases from radiographic and clinical examination
- To recognise areas in which to improve, prepare and train to better perform surgical dentistry yourself
- Be able to obtain Informed Consent for surgery after discussion of the risks, benefits and alternatives of treatment
- Become familiar with flap design and learn how to raise a flap
- Become familiar with suturing techniques including hands on component
- Become familiar with surgical skills applied to surgical extractions
- Know how to approach removal of teeth using contemporary atraumatic surgical techniques and understand the importance of this technique in modern day dentistry